First Impressions: The Protagonists
I'm was excited to write these profiles. Perhaps I'm attached to these four; they've been with me for three years. Why wouldn't I be? This took longer than I intended, so I hope it was worth the wait.
As of this Tuesday, I found beta notes for my first draft. If I find anything else, I might share them with you. I’m still reeling over how much everything has changed.
Let's get back to the point. Here’s an overview of the four main characters in this series.
An Extraordinary Boy: Luca Song
“At least we didn’t get locked in, right?”
Full Name: Luca Acharya Song.
Race: Human—born on Elysia.
Core Traits: Luca is a carefree and thoughtful young man living in a world where he is a minority: a human. He often feels weaker than others, but despite the challenges of learning magic, his strengths emerge when they are needed most. Above all, Luca strives to care for his family and friends, and his kindness truly shines through in his actions.
Appearance: A boy of average height with wavy, dark curls. His warm tanned skin matches his eyes. He dresses according to the season, but his trusty black jacket is a staple. When he smiles, you’ll get a sense of mischievousness.
Role: Protagonist (Main).
Luca is an interesting character. In some ways, he is inspired by the concept of multiculturalism. This comes from my childhood interest in other cultures, particularly Indian and East Asian. However, I’ve also included parts of my heritage (Ghanaian) in his overarching story. That part is a huge spoiler, and it isn’t revealed until much later, but keep an eye out.
Luca is also adopted, but that's where the similarities end. He is relaxed and level-headed, often appearing as someone who doesn’t take things too seriously. However, this demeanour is a front to conceal his true feelings of vulnerability regarding his human origins. In a sense, he experiences life on Elysia similarly to how a mortal would on Earth.
He is envious of his friends’ upbringings, but Luca is unaware that they envy him: his family has zero major conflicts with each other, and their relationship with him remains relatively peaceful.
Luca confidently addresses challenges and focuses on solutions. His natural curiosity allows him to understand others faster than most.
As the main protagonist of the series, Luca will experience significant character development. Whether it be how he fights, views himself and the world he lives in, or empathizes with foes, I’ve done my best to make Luca a hero worth rooting for.
Sure, he’s human. But aren’t we all?
The Fleeting Princess: Kendall Altina
“No one bothered to get to know me; I was always the empress’ daughter.”
Full name: Kendall Nicole Altina (her parents and housemates may call her Kanae).
Race: Purist dragon—cannot shapeshift, but can use draconic arts.
Core Traits: Kendall's neurodivergence significantly influences her behaviour. She tends to be shy around new people and often struggles to express herself. Once she gets comfortable, Kendall’s true self emerges like a butterfly: she is bubbly and observant, with the latter overshadowing the former. Her interests vary, from fashion to martial arts and weaponry. Kendall is also disciplined, likely due to honing her arts since age five. She uses a katana that her parents commissioned, and has upgraded it over the years.
Appearance: A young woman of above-average height whose blue and yellow hair would catch the eyes of an earthling. Her black, curved horns are smaller than most, but they’re still a prominent feature. She has heterochromia: one eye is blue, while the other is a bright yellow.
Role: Protagonist.
I have a strong attachment to Kendall. Her character has undergone the most noteworthy transformation since the first draft. Kendall, inspired by Narmaya from Granblue Fantasy, is resolute and powerful. She possesses greater combative skills than she appears to have, making her the strongest of the protagonists. Kendall primarily practices Water-based draconic arts, though she has a strong affinity for Fire arts due to her father's heritage.
However, this is a front.
As her introductory quote says, Kendall is used to being viewed as the empress’ daughter, the president’s daughter, and similar terms. Few bothered to know Kendall for who she is. Some see her as spoiled, having it all, etc. How can they not?
The choice to give Kendall neurodivergent traits (ASD, officially) was straightforward, but I also thought about public perception. Being "woke" is often unpopular, but I believe Kendall's experiences and character development will resonate with many people.
When I wrote her character arc, I wanted to focus on the idea of forgiveness and family loyalty. While Fallon’s goals are understandable, Kendall is caught in the crosshairs as a result. There’s tension, unspoken words, and years of pent-up emotions as Kendall watches her mother lose herself. Her neurodiversity makes this harder to comprehend: why is she trying to revive her loved ones when I’m right here?
Kendall isn’t perfect. She knows that, and yet she still rises above expectations—both public and personal.
There is more to Kendall than meets the eye. When tears land on a sapling, it is both nourishing and relieving. Despite the cries of both herself and her mother, the shed waters gave Kendall a chance to bloom.
The Headstrong Fairy: Saoirse Berrigan
“Don’t swear on your life, lad. I want ye to be alive, you know.”
Full Name: Saoirse Raonaid Berrigan.
Race: Fairy—British/Irish adjacent.
Core Traits: Saoirse is a hothead. She’s smarmy, talks back, and isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. Her attitude is further backed up by her spellcasting abilities, although she has to take caution when pushing past her limit. Saoirse’s fighting style is elegant yet scrappy; like Kendall, she’s practiced magic from a young age, and she’s pretty good at it. Saoirse’s connection to the story is deeply personal, showcasing what blind loyalty does to the mortal spirit.
Appearance: A petite woman with short pink hair and gumdrop green eyes. The bridge of her nose is lined with freckles. Bright irises point to her fairy heritage. Alternative clothing is her forte. Some find Saoirse intimidating despite her size.
Role: Protagonist.
Initially, Saoirse would be the main character for a story that I scrapped. The only concrete plans were her name and weaponry, a sword. This version of Saoirse is fleshed out and has plenty of charm.
For the longest time, I wanted to make a gothic character. But I wasn’t sure if I was making the right decisions with Saoirse. I tried a few descriptions and designs before ultimately settling on this one. She is inspired by goth fashion, particularly pastel goth. However, Saoirse’s appearance isn’t everything.
Regarding her character arc, Saoirse is directly connected to another antagonist who stays around for the rest of the series. It’s like… how can I put this? Losing a friend or family member to another group or MLM?
Saoirse can sometimes be selfish and a bit shortsighted, and it’s not without reason. As the story continues, her inner flame grows and scorches those around her while keeping them warm. She’s already comfortable with herself, but the story’s events change her for better and worse.
Even so, I like her. She’s flawed, but she knows it. And, in a world of gods and their followers, knowing oneself is everything. Even if the gods promise solutions, Saoirse won’t give in. She’ll stand her ground, even as she stumbles.
Doctrine is as doctrine says. Rules to follow, ideals to live up to, and lost sheep that must be led. Their shepherd is near and dear to Saoirse. If an individual deviates, they’re ostracized. In Saoirse’s case, she’ll fight bravely against the congregation… even as her former friend is consumed by this false narrative.
The Soothing Gale: Zeph Stratos
“Did you bring the couscous? Please tell me you didn’t forget the couscous.”
Full Name: Zephyrus “Zeph” Stratos.
Race: Elf.
Core Traits: Zeph is a competent healer. His stoic attitude blends well with his companions, and he isn’t afraid to crack a few jokes from time to time. Zeph carries a tablet that empowers his healing spells, shields others, and occasionally enhances his small pool of Wind-based attacks. He took up healing after an incident that changed the trajectory of his life. When not overseas, Zeph lives with his aunt and uncle. His immediate family are… well, not the greatest of people.
Appearance: A tall, lanky boy with golden hair, usually tied in a ponytail. His ochre skin blends with sunrises and sunsets, highlighted by scarlet eyes and pointy ears. He is almost always seen with his tablet bag.
Role: Protagonist.
Zeph is the spiritual successor to an old character based on my best friend. Both of them are tall, gentle, and nurturing to a fault. They are wise, considerate of others, and unafraid of standing up for what is right. Zeph is cheeky, observant, and holds himself to a high standard.
However, his flaws are apparent. In developing Zeph's story arc, I aimed to include his family, especially his father and brother. Zeph is a middle child, the third out of five, and his family name is well-known in his home country of Alvateinn… just not for the reasons you would hope for.
He struggles with authority, which is tied to his traumatic experience. Most importantly, the scars from his family’s history left a permanent mark on him, in more ways than one. His bluntness
The Stratos family are like a criminal empire: their eyes are everywhere. They own businesses, districts, restaurants in other parts of the world, anything you can think of. Zeph wanted no part in this, and when the journey brings him home, a family conflict ensues.
This is only the beginning. As the overarching story continues, members of Zeph’s family prove themselves as useful allies and dangerous adversaries.
The final point I’d like to make involves finding lost pieces of yourself, both physically and metaphorically. Zeph does not put these parts together right away—instead, he learns to function without them, allowing newer seeds to bloom. Zeph plays with the hand he is dealt and assists his friends in doing the same.
Familial winds blow like a gentle breeze around us. Sometimes they’re absent. Occasionally, they howl angrily, sweeping us into disarray. Whether Zeph braves them alone or with his allies, he’ll put the pieces together—even if he’s missing parts of himself.